Airport Update

February 26, 2015

City of Alpine,
Lots has happened since the turn of the calendar year with the City of Alpine. The inclement weather has provided quite a bit of extra work for our teams and helped further identify some needs throughout the City.

We’ve also been working diligently with TxDOT Aviation to identify and gain visibility to much needed taxiway and apron improvements for the City’s asset. Some of you have been out there and seen the widening cracks along one of our taxiways as well as the main apron area for visiting aircraft. We’ve received a lot of feedback from our local pilots, hanger owners and visitors to the area.

The group of employees from TxDOT Aviation assigned to our airport have made multiple visits to Alpine and are working through a short term plan to fill the cracks (for safety reasons), then come back in two years to fully redo the taxiway and apron.
We have also been reviewing some respondents to an RFP for FBO (Fixed Based Operator) services for our airport. Alpine has utilized a FBO in the past (several years ago) and we are working with a couple of respondents to better understand if they would be the right fit for Alpine in the future.

As always, feel free to reach out to City Staff with any questions or concerns. We appreciate and welcome the dialogue.
Warmest Regards,
Erik Zimmer, City Manager